Build Your Own Temperature Converter API

The "Temperature Converter API" project involves developing a simple, reliable API that allows users to convert temperature values between different units, including Celsius, Fahrenheit, and Kelvin. The API will accept temperature inputs in one unit and return the corresponding values in the other units. The goal is to provide a fast and lightweight API that can be integrated into web and mobile applications for educational purposes, weather apps, or any tool requiring temperature conversion.

Detailed Description

Temperature conversion is a common requirement in applications ranging from weather forecasting to scientific calculators. This project aims to create a Temperature Converter API that performs conversions between Celsius, Fahrenheit, and Kelvin. The API will accept a temperature value and the unit of measurement as input, and it will return the equivalent values in the other units. The API should be able to handle large numbers, invalid inputs, and edge cases (e.g., negative temperatures for Kelvin).

Supported conversions:

  • Celsius to Fahrenheit

  • Celsius to Kelvin

  • Fahrenheit to Celsius

  • Fahrenheit to Kelvin

  • Kelvin to Celsius

  • Kelvin to Fahrenheit

Example Usage

A weather application can use this API to display temperatures in different units. If the user inputs a temperature of 25°C, the API will return the equivalent temperatures in Fahrenheit and Kelvin. For example:

  • Input: 25°C

  • Output:

    • Fahrenheit: 77°F

    • Kelvin: 298.15K

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction

  2. Objectives

  3. Functional Requirements

  4. Non-Functional Requirements

  5. Use Cases

  6. User Stories

  7. Technical Requirements

  8. API Endpoints

  9. Security

  10. Performance

  11. Documentation

  12. Glossary

  13. Appendix

1. Introduction

The "Temperature Converter API" will allow users to convert temperature values between Celsius, Fahrenheit, and Kelvin. The API will accept a temperature value and its unit of measurement as input and return the equivalent temperature values in the other units. The API aims to be fast, scalable, and easy to integrate into web or mobile applications.

2. Objectives

  • Provide accurate conversions between Celsius, Fahrenheit, and Kelvin.

  • Accept temperature values as input in any of the supported units.

  • Return the converted temperature values in the other units.

  • Ensure the API is lightweight and easily integrated into existing applications.

3. Functional Requirements

Temperature Conversion

  • Celsius to Fahrenheit: Convert a Celsius temperature to Fahrenheit.

  • Celsius to Kelvin: Convert a Celsius temperature to Kelvin.

  • Fahrenheit to Celsius: Convert a Fahrenheit temperature to Celsius.

  • Fahrenheit to Kelvin: Convert a Fahrenheit temperature to Kelvin.

  • Kelvin to Celsius: Convert a Kelvin temperature to Celsius.

  • Kelvin to Fahrenheit: Convert a Kelvin temperature to Fahrenheit.

Input Validation

  • Invalid Inputs: Handle invalid temperature inputs (e.g., non-numeric values, invalid temperatures for Kelvin).

  • Negative Kelvin Values: Validate to ensure Kelvin values are non-negative (as Kelvin cannot be negative).

Optional Features

  • Batch Conversion: Allow users to convert multiple temperature values in one API call.

  • Rounding Options: Allow users to specify the number of decimal places for the output values.

4. Non-Functional Requirements

  • Scalability: The API should handle multiple requests concurrently with minimal delay.

  • Performance: Ensure that the API returns conversion results in under 100ms.

  • Usability: Provide clear and concise error messages for invalid inputs.

  • Reliability: Ensure accurate temperature conversion calculations without rounding errors.

5. Use Cases

  • Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit: A user inputs a temperature in Celsius and receives the equivalent in Fahrenheit and Kelvin.

  • Convert Kelvin to Celsius: A user inputs a temperature in Kelvin and receives the equivalent in Celsius and Fahrenheit.

  • Handle Invalid Input: A user enters an invalid input (e.g., non-numeric value), and the API returns a clear error message.

6. User Stories

  1. As a user, I want to convert a temperature in Celsius to Fahrenheit and Kelvin, so I can understand the temperature in different units.

  2. As a developer, I want to integrate a simple API into my weather application that provides temperature conversions to users.

  3. As a user, I want to receive error messages when I input invalid data, so I can correct my input.

  4. As a developer, I want the API to handle multiple conversions in a single request to improve performance for batch processing.

7. Technical Requirements

  • Programming Language: Use a backend language such as Node.js, Python, or Ruby.

  • Framework: Use Express.js (Node.js), Flask (Python), or Rails (Ruby) for routing and API logic.

  • Conversion Logic: Implement accurate temperature conversion formulas:

    • Celsius to Fahrenheit: (C×95)+32(C \times \frac{9}{5}) + 32(C×59​)+32

    • Fahrenheit to Celsius: (F−32)×59(F - 32) \times \frac{5}{9}(F−32)×95​

    • Celsius to Kelvin: C+273.15C + 273.15C+273.15

    • Kelvin to Celsius: K−273.15K - 273.15K−273.15

    • Fahrenheit to Kelvin: (F−32)×59+273.15(F - 32) \times \frac{5}{9} + 273.15(F−32)×95​+273.15

    • Kelvin to Fahrenheit: (K−273.15)×95+32(K - 273.15) \times \frac{9}{5} + 32(K−273.15)×59​+32

8. API Endpoints

Convert Temperature

  • Endpoint: POST /api/convert

Optional: Batch Conversion

  • Endpoint: POST /api/convert/batch

9. Security

  • HTTPS: Ensure secure data transmission between the client and server using HTTPS.

  • Input Validation: Sanitize and validate all user inputs to prevent invalid data from being processed.

  • Rate Limiting: Implement rate limiting to prevent abuse of the API with excessive requests.

10. Performance

  • Low Latency: Ensure the API processes and returns conversions in under 100ms.

  • Caching: Cache frequently converted values (e.g., standard temperatures) to reduce processing time for common requests.

11. Documentation

  • Provide API documentation using tools like Swagger or Postman collections to ensure developers can easily integrate the Temperature Converter API.

  • Include sample requests, responses, and error messages in the documentation.

12. Glossary

  • Celsius (°C): A temperature scale used to measure temperature based on the freezing point of water (0°C) and the boiling point of water (100°C).

  • Fahrenheit (°F): A temperature scale where water freezes at 32°F and boils at 212°F.

  • Kelvin (K): A temperature scale commonly used in scientific calculations where absolute zero (0K) is the lowest possible temperature.

13. Appendix

  • Include flowcharts or diagrams illustrating the conversion process between Celsius, Fahrenheit, and Kelvin.

Let me know if you need any further modifications or additional details!

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