Build Your Own Simple Survey Form API

The "Simple Survey Form" project involves developing a straightforward web application that allows users to create and participate in surveys. The application will allow users to design custom surveys with different types of questions, such as multiple choice, text input, and rating scales. Participants will be able to fill out the survey and submit their responses. The results will be collected and displayed in a summary format for the survey creator. The application will focus on ease of use, providing both survey creators and participants with a simple, intuitive experience.

Detailed Description

Surveys are widely used tools to gather feedback, conduct research, and collect opinions. This project aims to create a simple survey form application where users can create surveys and share them with others. The form will support a variety of question types and allow users to easily manage their surveys. Survey responses will be collected and analyzed, providing a summary of the results to the survey creator. The design will be minimal and user-friendly, ensuring that anyone can create and participate in surveys without technical difficulty.

Here’s a detailed look at how users will interact with the form:

  1. Survey Creation:

    • Customizable Survey: Users can create a survey by adding questions of various types, including:

      • Multiple Choice: Users select one or more options from a list.

      • Text Input: Respondents can provide open-ended answers.

      • Rating Scales: Users can rate a statement or question on a scale (e.g., 1 to 5).

      • Checkboxes: Respondents can select multiple options.

    • Survey Title and Description: Users can provide a title and description for the survey.

    • Survey Customization: Users can rearrange questions, set required fields, and customize the completion message.

  2. Survey Participation:

    • Link Sharing: Survey creators can share a link to the survey with participants.

    • Responsive Form: Participants can fill out the form on any device (desktop, tablet, or mobile).

    • Survey Completion: Upon submitting the survey, participants will see a confirmation message.

  3. Survey Results:

    • Results Dashboard: Survey creators can view the collected responses in a summary dashboard, displaying:

      • Response Summary: Overall response statistics, such as total respondents and average ratings.

      • Individual Responses: Survey creators can view each participant’s response.

      • Download Results: Users can download the results as CSV or Excel files for further analysis.

    • Visualization: Provide basic charts (e.g., bar graphs, pie charts) for multiple-choice and rating questions.

  4. Validation and Error Handling:

    • Required Fields: If any question is marked as required, participants will need to answer it before submission.

    • Validation Feedback: Display error messages if a required question is left unanswered or if invalid data is entered.

  5. Optional Features:

    • Survey Expiration: Set an expiration date for the survey after which no responses will be accepted.

    • Anonymous Mode: Allow survey creators to toggle whether responses are collected anonymously or with participant information (e.g., name or email).

    • Survey Duplicates: Enable survey creators to duplicate existing surveys to save time in creating similar surveys.

  6. Responsive Design:

    • Mobile-Friendly: The application will be optimized for both web and mobile, ensuring a smooth experience across different screen sizes.

    • Clean UI: The user interface will focus on simplicity and clarity, with easy navigation for both survey creators and participants.

Real-World Example

Consider a teacher named James who wants to collect feedback from his students about a recent course. He uses the Simple Survey Form app to create a survey with multiple choice questions asking students to rate the course content, open-ended questions for written feedback, and a rating scale to evaluate his teaching methods.

James sends a link to his students, who fill out the survey on their smartphones. Once all the responses are collected, James logs into the app to view the results. The app provides a summary of the average course ratings and displays individual comments from students. James downloads the results as a CSV file for his records.

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction

  2. Objectives

  3. Functional Requirements

  4. Non-Functional Requirements

  5. Use Cases

  6. User Stories

  7. Technical Requirements

  8. API Endpoints

  9. Security

  10. Performance

  11. Documentation

  12. Glossary

  13. Appendix

1. Introduction

The "Simple Survey Form" project will provide a web application that allows users to create and distribute surveys. The application will support various question types and enable participants to easily submit their responses. Survey creators will have access to a results dashboard, where they can view and download the collected data.

2. Objectives

  • Allow users to create custom surveys with multiple question types.

  • Enable participants to easily complete surveys and submit their responses.

  • Provide survey creators with a summary of results and allow them to download responses for analysis.

  • Ensure that the application is simple to use, with a clean, responsive design.

3. Functional Requirements

Survey Creation

  • Custom Questions: Allow users to create multiple question types (multiple choice, text input, rating scales, checkboxes).

  • Survey Title and Description: Enable users to add a title and description to the survey.

  • Survey Customization: Allow users to set required questions, customize the completion message, and rearrange questions.

Survey Participation

  • Link Sharing: Generate a unique URL for each survey that can be shared with participants.

  • Responsive Form: Ensure the survey form works on all devices.

  • Survey Completion: Display a confirmation message after participants submit their responses.

Survey Results

  • Results Dashboard: Display a summary of collected responses, including overall statistics and individual answers.

  • Data Visualization: Provide basic visualizations such as bar charts and pie charts for multiple-choice questions.

  • Download Results: Allow survey creators to download the results in CSV or Excel format.

4. Non-Functional Requirements

  • Scalability: The app should handle an increasing number of users and surveys without performance degradation.

  • Performance: Ensure fast loading times and real-time response collection.

  • Security: Protect sensitive data and ensure that participants' responses are securely transmitted and stored.

  • Usability: The app should be intuitive and user-friendly for both survey creators and participants.

5. Use Cases

  • Survey Creation: A user creates a survey with various question types and shares it with participants.

  • Survey Participation: Participants fill out the survey and submit their responses.

  • View Results: The survey creator views the collected responses and downloads the data for analysis.

6. User Stories

  1. As a user, I want to create a custom survey with different question types so that I can gather specific information from respondents.

  2. As a participant, I want to easily fill out and submit a survey on my mobile device so that I can provide feedback quickly.

  3. As a survey creator, I want to see a summary of the survey responses so that I can analyze the data effectively.

  4. As a user, I want to download the survey results in a CSV format so that I can use them in other applications.

7. Technical Requirements

  • Programming Language: Use appropriate web technologies (e.g., JavaScript/React for frontend, Node.js/Python for backend).

  • Database: Use a relational database (e.g., PostgreSQL) to store survey questions and responses.

  • API: Implement RESTful APIs for survey creation, response submission, and result retrieval.

8. API Endpoints

Survey Creation

  • POST /surveys: Create a new survey with specified questions.

  • GET /surveys/{id}: Retrieve a specific survey.

Survey Participation

  • POST /surveys/{id}/responses: Submit a participant’s response to a survey.

Survey Results

  • GET /surveys/{id}/results: Retrieve a summary of responses for a survey.

  • GET /surveys/{id}/results/download: Download survey results in CSV or Excel format.

9. Security

  • HTTPS: Ensure all data is transmitted securely using HTTPS.

  • Input Validation: Validate all user inputs to prevent malicious data from being entered.

  • Data Privacy: Optionally allow anonymous submissions to protect participant privacy.

10. Performance

  • Optimize survey creation and response submission processes to ensure fast load times.

  • Cache survey data where appropriate to minimize database queries.

11. Documentation

  • Provide a user guide explaining how to create surveys, participate in them, and view results.

  • Include API documentation for developers who want to integrate the survey system with other applications.

12. Glossary

  • API: Application Programming Interface, used to communicate between different software components.

  • CSV: Comma Separated Values, a format for downloading and sharing structured data.

  • HTTPS: Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure, a secure communication protocol used for transmitting data.

13. Appendix

  • Include UI mockups or wireframes showing the survey creation interface, the participation form, and the results dashboard.

Let me know if you need any further modifications or additional details!

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