The "Rock, Paper, Scissors Game" project aims to develop a simple and engaging web-based game where users can play against the computer. The game will allow users to choose between three options: rock, paper, or scissors, and will determine the winner based on traditional game rules. This project seeks to provide an entertaining experience while showcasing basic game mechanics and interactivity.
Allow users to play the game by selecting one of the three options.
Display the outcome of each round (win, lose, or draw) and keep track of the score.
Provide a reset option to start a new game.
Functional Requirements
Game Interaction
Option Selection: Users can select rock, paper, or scissors via buttons.
Game Logic: The game will randomly generate a choice for the computer and compare it to the user's choice to determine the winner.
Score Tracking: The application will maintain a score tally of wins, losses, and draws for the current session.
Round Display: After each round, the game will display the user's choice, the computer's choice, and the result of the round.
Game Reset
Reset Functionality: Users can reset the game to start fresh, clearing the current scores.
Non-Functional Requirements
Usability: The user interface should be intuitive and easy to navigate, with clear buttons and results display.
Performance: The application should respond instantly to user interactions without noticeable delays.
Cross-Platform Compatibility: The game should work on all modern web browsers and devices.
Use Cases
Play Game: Users select an option and see the outcome of their choice.
User Stories
As a user, I want to select rock, paper, or scissors so that I can play the game.
As a user, I want to see the outcome of each round so that I can track my performance.
As a user, I want to reset the game so that I can play again without refreshing the page.
Technical Requirements
Game Logic: Implement the game rules and logic using JavaScript. API Endpoints (if applicable)
Basic input validation to ensure the user's choice is valid (rock, paper, or scissors).
Use HTTPS for secure communication if deployed online.
Ensure that the application responds immediately to user selections.
Optimize the game logic to handle simultaneous user interactions efficiently.
Provide user documentation to guide players on how to play the game.
Create technical documentation for developers detailing the code structure and potential enhancements
Rock, Paper, Scissors: A hand game usually played between two people, where each player simultaneously forms one of three shapes.
Score Tracking: Keeping a record of wins, losses, and draws during gameplay.
Reset Game: Users reset the game to clear scores and start a new session.
Include wireframes of the user interface and any additional diagrams or references relevant to the project.