Build Your Own Face Recognition System

This project involves building a comprehensive face recognition system designed to identify and verify individuals in real time. The system aims to provide accurate and efficient face detection,

recognition, and analysis features, suitable for various applications such as security, access control, and user authentication.

The "Face Recognition System" project aims to develop a scalable and efficient API that allows users to enroll faces, verify identities, and manage their profiles. This API will support various front-end applications, including web and mobile interfaces.

In today's security-conscious environment, face recognition technology has become essential for ensuring safety and convenience in public and private spaces. This project will create an API that enables organizations to implement robust face recognition capabilities, enhancing their security measures and user experience.

User Interaction Overview

User Registration and Authentication

  • Sign Up: New users can create an account by providing their email and password. A

    confirmation email will be sent to verify their account.

  • Login: Registered users can log in using their email and password. The API will support multi-factor authentication (MFA) for enhanced security.

Face Enrollment:

  • Capture Face: Users can upload images or capture live images of their faces for


  • Manage Profiles: Users can view and edit their profiles, including updating face images

    or personal information.

Face Recognition and Verification:

  • Verify Identity: Users can submit images for verification against stored profiles.

  • Real-time Recognition: The system will provide real-time face recognition capabilities

    for live video feeds.

Analytics and Reporting:

  • Generate Reports: Users can generate reports on recognition events and user


  • Access Logs: Users can view logs of all recognition attempts, including successes and



  • Allow users to sign up, log in, and manage their accounts securely.

  • Enable users to enroll their faces for recognition.

  • Facilitate identity verification through submitted images. 

  • Provide real-time face recognition capabilities. 

  • Generate reports and maintain access logs for security audits.

Functional Requirements

User Management

  • POST /signup: Register a new user. 

  • POST /login: Authenticate a user. 

  • GET /profile: Retrieve user profile details. 

  • PUT /profile: Update user profile.

Face Enrollment

  • POST /faces/enroll: Enroll a new face image for the user. 

  • PUT /faces/{id}: Update an enrolled face image by ID.

Face Recognition and Verification

  • POST /faces/verify: Verify an identity by submitting an image. 

  • POST /faces/recognize: Process a live video feed for real-time recognition.

Analytics and Reporting

  • POST /reports: Generate a new report based on recognition activities.

  • GET /logs: Retrieve access logs for recognition attempts.


  • Use HTTPS to encrypt data in transit. 

  • Implement input validation and sanitization to prevent security vulnerabilities. 

  • Use strong password hashing algorithms like bcrypt.


  • Optimize image processing algorithms for speed and efficiency. 

  • Implement caching strategies where applicable to improve response times.


  • Provide comprehensive API documentation using tools like Swagger. 

  • Create user guides and developer documentation to assist with integration and usage.


  • API: Application Programming Interface.

  • Face Enrollment: The process of capturing and storing a user's face image for recognition.

  • Real-time Recognition: The ability to identify faces in live video feeds. 

  • Verification: The process of confirming a person's identity by matching their image with stored data.


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