Build Your Own Chat API

Project Description

The "Chat API" project aims to develop a real-time messaging API that enables users to communicate instantly. The API will support user registration, friend management, one-on-one messaging, and group chats. This API will serve as the foundation for chat applications, providing essential features for seamless and interactive communication.

Detailed Description

In today's digital age, real-time communication is crucial for both personal and professional interactions. This project will create an API that supports all necessary functionalities for a robust chat application. Here’s a detailed look at how users will interact with the app:

  1. User Registration and Authentication:

    • Sign Up: New users can create an account by providing a username, email, and password. A confirmation email will be sent to verify the account.

    • Login: Registered users can log in using their email and password. For added security, multi-factor authentication (MFA) will be supported.

  2. Friend Management:

    • Add Friends: Users can send friend requests to other users. Once accepted, they can see each other’s online status and initiate chats.

    • Remove Friends: Users can remove friends from their list, which will also end any ongoing chats with them.

  3. One-on-One Messaging:

    • Send and Receive Messages: Users can send text messages, images, and files to their friends in real-time. The API will support delivery receipts and read receipts.

    • View Chat History: Users can view the history of their conversations, including sent and received messages.

  4. Group Chats:

    • Create Group Chats: Users can create group chats by adding multiple friends to a single conversation. They can name the group and set a group picture.

    • Manage Group Chats: Users can add or remove members, change the group name, and update the group picture. All members will see the updated information.

    • Send and Receive Messages in Groups: Users can send messages in group chats, with the ability to reply to specific messages and mention other users.

  5. Real-Time Notifications:

    • Message Notifications: Users will receive notifications for new messages, both in one-on-one chats and group chats.

    • Friend Request Notifications: Users will receive notifications for incoming friend requests and when their friend requests are accepted.

Real-World Example

Consider Emma, who uses the chat application to stay in touch with her friends and coordinate group projects. Emma signs up for an account using her email and a secure password. After logging in, she adds her friends by sending them friend requests.

Emma starts a conversation with her friend John, sharing updates and exchanging images. They both see each other’s messages instantly, thanks to real-time messaging. Emma also creates a group chat for her study group, adding multiple friends. They use the group chat to share resources, discuss assignments, and plan meetings.

Whenever Emma receives a new message or a friend request, she gets a real-time notification, ensuring she stays updated on all interactions.

1. Introduction

The "Chat API" project aims to develop a comprehensive real-time messaging API that supports user registration, friend management, one-on-one messaging, and group chats. Users will be able to communicate instantly and manage their contacts and conversations effectively.

2. Objectives

  • Allow users to sign up, log in, and manage their accounts.

  • Enable users to add and remove friends.

  • Support real-time one-on-one messaging.

  • Provide features for creating and managing group chats.

  • Ensure users receive real-time notifications for messages and friend requests.

3. Functional Requirements

User Management

  • Sign Up: Users can create an account by providing a username, email, and password.

  • Login: Users can log in using their email and password.

  • Profile Management: Users can update their profile information.

Friend Management

  • Add Friends: Users can send friend requests to other users.

  • Remove Friends: Users can remove friends from their list.


  • Send and Receive Messages: Users can send and receive text messages, images, and files.

  • View Chat History: Users can view their chat history.

Group Chats

  • Create Group Chats: Users can create group chats and add friends.

  • Manage Group Chats: Users can add or remove members and update group details.

  • Send and Receive Messages in Groups: Users can communicate within group chats.


  • Message Notifications: Users receive notifications for new messages.

  • Friend Request Notifications: Users receive notifications for friend requests.

4. Non-Functional Requirements

  • Scalability: The API should handle a growing number of users and messages.

  • Performance: The API should have a fast response time and handle concurrent requests efficiently.

  • Security: Implement authentication and authorization mechanisms to protect user data.

  • Reliability: The API should be highly available and handle failures gracefully.

  • Usability: The API should be easy to use and well-documented.

5. Use Cases

  • User Sign Up and Login: New users sign up and existing users log in.

  • Friend Management: Users add and remove friends.

  • One-on-One Messaging: Users send and receive messages in private chats.

  • Group Chat Management: Users create and manage group chats.

  • Receive Notifications: Users receive notifications for new messages and friend requests.

6. User Stories

  1. As a user, I want to sign up for an account so that I can chat with others.

  2. As a user, I want to log in to my account so that I can access my chats.

  3. As a user, I want to add friends so that I can chat with them.

  4. As a user, I want to remove friends so that I can manage my contacts.

  5. As a user, I want to send messages so that I can communicate in real-time.

  6. As a user, I want to receive messages instantly so that I can stay updated.

  7. As a user, I want to create group chats so that I can chat with multiple friends.

  8. As a user, I want to manage group chats so that I can add or remove members.

  9. As a user, I want to receive notifications for new messages so that I stay informed.

  10. As a user, I want to receive notifications for friend requests so that I can manage my contacts.

7. Technical Requirements

  • Programming Language: Choose an appropriate backend language (e.g., Node.js, Python, Ruby).

  • Database: Use a database to store user, message, and interaction data (e.g., PostgreSQL, MongoDB).

  • Authentication: Implement JWT for secure user authentication.

  • Real-Time Communication: Use WebSockets or a similar technology for real-time messaging.

  • API Documentation: Use Swagger or similar tools for API documentation.

8. API Endpoints

User Management

  • POST /signup: Register a new user.

  • POST /login: Authenticate a user.

  • GET /profile: Get user profile details.

  • PUT /profile: Update user profile.

Friend Management

  • POST /friends/add: Send a friend request.

  • POST /friends/remove: Remove a friend.


  • POST /messages: Send a new message.

  • GET /messages/{user_id}: Retrieve messages in a one-on-one chat.

  • GET /messages/group/{group_id}: Retrieve messages in a group chat.

Group Chats

  • POST /groups: Create a new group chat.

  • PUT /groups/{group_id}: Update group chat details.

  • POST /groups/{group_id}/add: Add a member to a group chat.

  • POST /groups/{group_id}/remove: Remove a member from a group chat.


  • GET /notifications: Retrieve the user's notifications.

9. Security

  • Use HTTPS to encrypt data in transit.

  • Implement input validation and sanitization to prevent SQL injection and XSS attacks.

  • Use strong password hashing algorithms like bcrypt.

10. Performance

  • Implement caching strategies to improve response times.

  • Optimize database queries to handle large datasets efficiently.

  • Use load balancing to distribute traffic evenly across servers.

11. Documentation

  • Provide comprehensive API documentation using tools like Swagger.

  • Create user guides and developer documentation to assist with integration and usage.

12. Glossary

  • API: Application Programming Interface.

  • JWT: JSON Web Token.

  • CRUD: Create, Read, Update, Delete.

  • MFA: Multi-Factor Authentication.

13. Appendix

  • Include any relevant diagrams, data models, and additional references.

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